Denise Vrchota




Courses I teach

Conflict Management (ComSt 2180); Human Communication Theory (ComSt 3010); Communication Training and Development (ComSt 3190) and other ComSt classes as needed.

About my teaching

I approach my classes from a learner-centered perspective. That means you will learn in collaboration with your colleagues; learning will occur as you apply disciplinary content to solve problems; you will engage in self-reflection in order to assess your learning from these experiences.

Research areas

  • Instructional communication
  • Adult learning theory

Current research

  • Vrchota, D. A. (Under review). The Risk takers: The support faculty participants in integration initiatives say they really need.”
  • Vrchota, D. A. “Carpe Facultas! Seize the opportunity! The benefits of working with faculty in other disciplines.” Paper to be presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, November 19-22, 2015, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Outside of the university…

I enjoy movies and the arts, Zumba, gardening, and my three cats.


PhD: Adult and Extension Education; MA: Interdisciplinary in English, Speech, and Journalism

Selected Publications

  • Vrchota, D.A. (2015). Cross-curricular consulting: How WAC experts can practice adult learning theory to build relationships with disciplinary faculty. The WAC Journal, 26.
  • Vrchota, D. A. (2015). A view of oral communication in food science from the perspective of a communication researcher. Journal of Food Science education, 14, 36-47.
  • Vrchota, D. A. & Russell, D. r. (2013). WAC/WID meets CXC/CID: A dialogue between writing studies and communication studies. The WAC Journal, 24, 49-62.