Kristi Costabile



1347 Lagomarcino
901 Stange Rd.
Ames IA


Courses I teach

ComSt 2030 – Research Methods
Psych 4840 – Close Relationships
Psych 2800 – Social Psychology
Psych 3830 – Psychology and the Law

About my teaching

In every course, I aim to educate students on the basic psychological principles, how these principles were developed, and how they can be applied appropriately to experiences in the real world. The study of communication is an immensely challenging and exciting enterprise – and I hope to nurture students’ enthusiasm for the discipline. In so doing, students will learn how to think both critically and creativity – skills that they will take with them as they move beyond their university education.

Current research

The ability to communicate by telling stories is a basic constituent of human social and cultural life. In fact, children demonstrate competence at narrative comprehension and creation before they can recite the alphabet. Story-telling appears to be universal: Evidence suggests that cultures around the world, throughout time, have used narratives as a method for describing social information (Barthes, 1977). In my research, I examine how narratives facilitate the construal of oneself and one’s social world.

Outside of the university…

When I have to leave campus, I am spending time with my family. We are often hiking or bikeriding or doing some kind of home renovation. These days, my husband and I (and our little pup), spend most of our time enthralled with our adorable baby boy. It is amazing to watch this little guy grow and develop!


B.S. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Rhetoric and Psycholog

M.A. University of California, Santa Barbara, Psycholog

Ph.D. University of California, Santa Barbara, Psychology

Selected Publications

  • Shedlosky-Shoemaker, R.A., Costabile, K.A., & Arkin, R.M. (2014). Self-expansion through fictional characters, Self and Identity, 13, 556-578.
  • Costabile, K.A. & Terman, A.W. (2013). Effect of Film Music on Psychological Transportation and Narrative Persuasion. Basic and Applied Social Psychology.
  • Costabile, K. A. (2011). Rude or Rushed? Effects of narrative and impression processing objectives on person perceptions. Social Cognition, 29, 445-475.