Racheal Ruble




366 Carver
411 Morrill Rd.
Ames IA


Courses I teach

  • ComSt 2030: Introduction to Research Methods
  • ComSt 2100: Communication and U.S. Diversity
  • ComSt 2140: Professional Communication
  • ComSt 3100: Intercultural Communication
  • ComSt 3300: Computer-Mediated Communication
  • ComSt 4040: Senior Research Seminar

About my teaching

In my classes, students learn to reflect on their communication choices and assumptions and seek out ways to improve their own communication as well as assist others in improving theirs. In lecturing, I present major ideas while allowing students to openly participate in the learning process through questions and discussion. Through group work, I encourage students to come to understand core ideas together. Out-of-class assignments are designed to promote more holistic and critical views of course material and/or provide hands-on experience with course concepts. I encourage students to actively participate in the learning process and to take responsibility for their own learning. In this way, it is my hope that students will gain as much as possible from my courses and take what they have learned on into the rest of their lives.

Current research

I’m currently working on several projects with goals related to understanding an improving communication. First, I am investigating the influences of US Americans’ communication experiences with and perceptions of a specific person from Chinese culture on their overall attitudes toward Chinese culture. This project has a long-term goal of uncovering the types of experiences that lead to more positive perceptions and attitudes toward Chinese culture and ideally seeking out ways that more US American students may be encouraged to develop relationships with Chinese international students on US campuses.

Second, I’m exploring the transition experiences of student Veterans as they move from and between military and academic cultures. This project, with funding from Iowa Humanities and the ISU Veterans Center, seeks to record experiences in an oral history format as well as identify the ways that we might better assist student Veterans in their transitions to higher education.

Lastly, I’m collaborating on a project examining cross-cultural perceptions of workplace bullying narratives with the goal of better understanding how targets of workplace bullying communicate about being bullied impacts others’ perceptions of them and their experiences.

Outside of the university…

I enjoy trying out new recipes, working in my vegetable garden, and travelling as much as I’m able. I spend time with my significant other, our dog, and our family herd of bison that we raise just north of Ames.


Ph.D. University of Kansas – Communication Studies

M.A. Kent State University – Communication Studies

B.A. Truman State University – Communication Science

Selected Publications

  • Imamura, M., Ruble, R. A., & Zhang, Y. B. (in press). The indirect effects of English proficiency on intergroup attitudes and stereotypes through cultural identity and communication anxiety: The US host nationals’ perceptions of Chinese sojourners. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research.
  • Tye-Williams, S., & Ruble, Ruble, R. A. (in press). Perceptions of workplace bullying narratives: Exploring attributions of fault. Ohio Communication Journal.
  • Ruble, R. A. & Zhang, Y. B. (2013). Stereotypes of Chinese international students held by American students. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 37, 202-211.
  • Ruble, R. A. (2011). The communication of advice on an online message board for language assistants in France. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 30, 396-420.
  • Ruble, R.A. & Zhang, Y. B. (2012). The impact of stereotypes on American students’ willingness to communicate with Chinese international students. The Bulletin of the Association of College Unions International, 80(6), 30-34. Available at http://www.acui.org/publications/bulletin/article.aspx?issue=36083&id=19376