Todd Jenks



349 Carver
411 Morrill Rd.
Ames IA


Courses I teach

Primary Courses I Teach at ISU

  • ComSt 3100: Intercultural Communication
  • ComSt 3130: Leadership Communication Theories
  • ComSt 3170: Small Group Communication
  • ComSt 1010: Introduction to Communication Studies

Other Courses I Have Taught

  • ComSt 2110: Introduction to Interpersonal Communication
  • ComSt 2140: Professional Communication
  • ComSt 2180: Conflict Management
  • ComSt 3010: Human Communication Theory
  • ComSt 3110: Relational Communication
  • ComSt 3140: Organizational Communication
  • ComSt 3300: Computer Mediated Communication
  • ComSt 4040: Senior Seminar
  • ComSt 4500: Special Topics in Communication Studies
  • ComSt 4900: Independent Study

Courses in other programs

Introduction to Film Studies, Introduction to Public Speaking, Advanced Public Speaking, Leadership Ethics, Managing Diversity.

About my teaching

I believe in challenging students to give their very best. Just as we expect our athletes to “leave it all on the field” or “leave it all on the court,” so too do I encourage students to give their best efforts in their academics. However, although learning requires effort, I believe that learning should be intriguing and fun. Often I bring in stories from my years of serving in for-profit and nonprofit organizations across the country. One of my students’ favorite activities is to hear my personal stories that connect to the subject matter at hand. I have worked in jobs that range from DJ to bank teller, and from head custodian to pastor. I have communication examples from these fields and many more. Students can easily relate to the personal stories and examples that connect to the concepts we are covering.

I strive to maintain student interest by having variety in teaching methodologies. Different class sessions have different structures. Some periods we have student debates on communication issues for which there are divergent views, or debates on current topics that relate to our subject matter. Some periods we take specific theories and analyze strengths and weaknesses of each. Some days we analyze video clips that reflect specific communication concepts we are exploring. Some class sessions we use “field observation” activities in which students leave the classroom to observe communication phenomena, looking for specific behaviors we are discussing and then returning to the classroom with examples to discuss and assess. Students can expect these techniques plus many others as well.

By working for variety across class periods, students are kept more actively focused on their learning. My use of student participation across a broad spectrum of learning activities helps students absorb and apply the concepts and theories we are covering. If you like predictability and the same format every day, my classes may not resonate with you. However, if you believe learning should be an adventure and you truly want to enjoy your adventure at Iowa State, my class may be just the right place.

Outside of the university…

I am a big movie fan. Every year I can’t wait for summer, when you can find me at the cinema watching a new film each week (after all, summer is peak season for films to be released). I also love to watch Major League Baseball, generally supporting whichever team is the underdog. I enjoy jogging, eating popcorn, spending time with my wife and sons, and keeping in touch with my daughter who is away at college. Most of all, my faith is a big part of my life. I love the people in the congregation I serve and am so blessed to have the opportunity to know them and work with them.


PhD, Bowling Green State University, Ohio, School of Communication Studies, Department of Interpersonal Communication

MDiv, Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana

BA, Concordia University, St. Paul, MN – Communication Studies and Sociology