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Lexi Elliott (’11 COMST) | Career Service Coordinator, LAS Career Services, ISU

Lexi Elliott (she/her/hers) graduated in 2011 with a degree in Communication Studies from Iowa State. “Since graduating in 2011 I went into the events industry,” Lexi shared. “I spent over five years as an event manager. I transitioned into HR and PR at a school district for a few years.

“I have been in my current role as a career services coordinator for almost two years and love it! Being on campus and working directly with students is right where I want to be–all while using the skills I have acquired through the years to be successful in my role.”

Lexi credits her education in Communication Studies for helping nab her current position as Career Service Coordinator for LAS Career Services at Iowa State. “It has opened doors to the opportunities that have led me to where I am today. Having my degree was a prerequisite for my first job on campus–it was a bonus that helped me stand out in the candidate pool.

“My Communication Studies courses all helped develop my communication style, how I read situations and other individuals while in my professional roles,” Lexi added.

“Keep an open mind as you start your job search. There isn’t a clear cut line to what you can do with your Communication Studies major and that is okay. The skills you have and are developing are going to help you excel in multiple areas professionally. Apply, interview, and experience different roles to figure out what is the best fit for you professionally.”